Images and Text Guidelines OK & BAD

There are some good and some bad examples of ads in this text, as well as explanations why this is so.

Each Ad on the GTN platform is displayed as a combination of PICTURE and TEXT. We encourage you to read this text carefully to avoid being disapproved.

1. Pictures of celebrities i.e. actors, pop stars, athletes, politicians …
2. Body parts in close-up
3. Explicit or implicit or suggestive sexual content
4. Images that insult on racial, religious, political, national, sexual or any other grounds
5. Watermarked Images for copyright infringement
6. Images of poor resolution or poorly cropped / photo shopped
7. Images that contain text

Above rules apply to both the image and ad text. The following rules apply to ad text:

8. Correct grammar and spelling
9. No vulgar or slang / street / jargon language
10. Without ALL CAPS for example ACTION! ATTENTION! are not allowed
11. The language must match the targeting language! For example, you cannot show an ad in English to an audience in Hungary. Nor vice versa