Both for Publishers and Advertisers there are some limitations what sort of website we accept to show ads on ( for Publishers ) and what sort of websites are acceptable as Landing Sales pages ( for Advertisers ). Limitations are in both cases very similar. GoToNative reserve rights to deny without explanation any site / ad creative even in case they were initially accepted. .
- sites that contain scenes of violence, torture, mutilated bodies, body parts, blood and injuries
- sites that promote violence of any kind
- sites that promote racism, or hate speech toward religious views, nationality, sexual orientation, political vies etc
- political parties portals, forums, web properties
- sites about drugs, weapons, pornography, alcohol, tobacco, betting and other topics that require a special license
- sites infected with malware, viruses, or refer users to other sites with illegal content
- sites that automatically install programs on a user’s computer, or initiate an automatic download, or install add-ons in a visitor’s browser
- sites that lock their content until user click on Ads (“content locking”)
- fishing sites that emulate other sites for stealing user data
- sites with poor content whose primary purpose is to display Ads
- sites that host pirated materials – videos, audios, software, eBooks, etc .. or link to such content
GoToNative reserves the right to reject any site without the obligation to provide an explanation.